kevbrick / genotype_prdm9_LR

Genotype PRDM9 from long read amplicon sequencing
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Missing dependencies and non-human genotyping #2

Open Oyvindsg opened 11 months ago

Oyvindsg commented 11 months ago

Hi, First of all, thanks for an excellent tool! I've had great success in genotyping Atlantic salmon using this, with some minor changes. I believe the "Tidyverse" R package is missing from dependencies. This resulted in errors in my genotyping without any errors reported whenever the clustering step was performed, in the majority of cases leading to non-obvious genotyping errors. I fixed this by independently loading the module. I may be incorrect, but I don't think the built-in test runs the clustering steps, meaning this missing dependency will not be apparent unless running with other data with additional verification steps.

Just adding some notes for others who wish to use this tool for non-human genotyping:

Thanks again! This tool has been essential for me, and shows promise for use in all species with PRDM9 :)