kevin-ledinh / jack-fruit-tree

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JackFruitTree--SW--Find suitable android (or C code) for flight controller #5

Open kevin-ledinh opened 8 years ago

kevin-ledinh commented 8 years ago

1 - DroneKit-Android provides interfaces for Android applications to control 3DR-powered vehicles: Similar to 4. Not applicable. Maybe useful later

2 - How to Develop an Intelligent Autonomous Drone using an Android* Smartphone: Seems like an excellent solution but there is no mention about the 'stabilization card'

3 - ArduPilot/APM is a open source autopilot system supporting multi-copters:

4 - Ground Control Station for Android Devices: Description: Tower is a Ground Control Station (GCS) Android app built atop 3DR Services, for UAVs running Ardupilot software.Similar to 1. Not applicable. Maybe useful later

5 - Description: This is a quadcopter code compatible with KK boards. The code is inspired by Inspired by KKmulticopter. The code is based on assembly code by Rolf R Bakke, and C code by Mike Barton & NeXtCopterPlus. 6 - AndroCopter - use your smartphone as an autopilot !: Summary:

7 - Description: Cleanflight can be used on multirotor aircraft and fixed-wing aircraft, it supports a variety for shapes and motor counts, not limited to quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters, tricopters and planes. Cleanflight is Open-Source flight controller software which is 32-bit version of the original 8-bit MultiWii code.

3 and 5 are the best candidate but they are for embedded system, which means written in C.... There will be a lot of work to port this into Java...

There are code but not sure they are available because I can only find 2 paper on this.

kevin-ledinh commented 8 years ago

Interesting combination in addition to the Maestro USB servo controller:

kevin-ledinh commented 8 years ago

food-for-thought: No Android based controller is used because of several reasons:

kevin-ledinh commented 8 years ago

ok, doesn't matter as I'm doing this for fun ...

But it's good to know how a flight controller is coded in an embedded system.