kevin-mitchell / alexa-app

Set of classes to make creating Amazon Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) applications easier with Laravel and Lumen
MIT License
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SSML generated by app cannot be played by echo (probably wrong usage of lib) #45

Open luebbert42 opened 6 years ago

luebbert42 commented 6 years ago

I am trying to use SSML. This is what I have so far:

$out = 'Test <say-as interpret-as="interjection"> abracadabra!</say-as> Something else';
return \Alexa::say($out, "SSML")->endSession(false);

In the simulator this arrives as:

"outputSpeech": {
      "ssml": "Test <say-as interpret-as=\"interjection\"> abracadabra!</say-as> Something else",
      "type": "SSML"

The simulator can output this, the real device refuses to do that ("problem has occured" -> don't know the correct error msg in English).


In other words: How can I bring SSML to life with this library?

Olofguard commented 6 years ago

+1 for anyone looking into this. Anyone using SSML successfully with this library? Haven't really dug into this yet but it's next on my list.

wertmenschen commented 6 years ago

return Alexa::ssml('<speak>' . $text . '<break time="2s"/>' . $text2 . '</speak>'); works for me.