kevin-mitchell / alexa-app

Set of classes to make creating Amazon Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) applications easier with Laravel and Lumen
MIT License
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Route not found exception Laravel 5.7 #60

Closed dhavald99 closed 5 years ago

dhavald99 commented 5 years ago

{ "message": "", "exception": "S\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException", "file": "{my-root-path}/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/RouteCollection.php", "line": 179, "trace": [ { "file": "{my-root-path}/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php", "line": 636, "function": "match", "class": "Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection", "type": "->" }, { "file": "{my-root-path}/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php", "line": 625, "function": "findRoute", "class": "Illuminate\Routing\Router", "type": "->" }, ................. ] }


AlexaRouter::launch('/alexa', 'AlexaController@alexalaunch');
AlexaRouter::intent('/alexa', 'GetAntiJoke', 'AlexaController@alexaGetJoke' );
AlexaRouter::intent('/alexa', 'GetColorIntent', 'AlexaController@alexaGetColor' );
AlexaRouter::intent('/alexa', 'TellColorIntent', 'AlexaController@alexaTellColor' );
AlexaRoute::sessionEnded ('/alexa', function () {
        return '{"version":"1.0","response":{"shouldEndSession":true}}';

AlexaController.php --path=App\Http\Controllers `<?php

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Develpr\AlexaApp\Request\AlexaRequest; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Develpr\AlexaApp\Facades\Alexa; use Develpr\AlexaApp\Response\AlexaResponse; use App\Http\Controllers\BaseApiController;

class AlexaController extends Controller {

function test () {

 * Alexa launch request.
 * @var alexa request data
 * @return json
function alexalaunch(AlexaRequest $alexarequest) {
    return Alexa::ask ( "Hello, welcome to support center. You can ask say my color is red" )
    ->endSession ( 'false' );
 * Alexa intent request.
 * @var alexa request data
 * @return json
function alexaGetColor(AlexaRequest $alexarequest) {
    $color = $alexarequest->slot ( "color" );
    $session = Alexa::session ( 'color', $color );
    return Alexa::say ( "Great, your color is " . $color . ". Now you can ask me what's my color." )->endSession ( 'false' );

 * Alexa intent request.
 * @var alexa request data
 * @return json
function alexaGetJoke(AlexaRequest $alexarequest) {
    return Alexa::ask ( "Hello, welcome to support center. You can ask say my color is red" )
    ->endSession ( 'false' );

 * Alexa intent request.
 * @var alexa request data
 * @return json
function alexaTellColor() {
    $color = Alexa::session( 'color' );
    return Alexa::say ( 'I remember your color is ' . $color . ". Good Bye." )->endSession (‘true’);

 * Alexa termination intent request.
 * @var alexa request data
 * @return json
function alexaTerminate(AlexaRequest $alexarequest) {
    return Alexa::ask ( "Goodbye, have a nice day." )->endSession ();


I seen many solution but not a single is working. can anyone please help with this?