kevin218 / Eureka

Eureka! is a data reduction and analysis pipeline intended for time-series observations with JWST.
MIT License
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Install issue on M1 processor #574

Closed Tusay closed 8 months ago

Tusay commented 8 months ago


No response

What happened?

I'm trying to install Eureka on my work mac. I'm following the instructions to clone the git and install from the yml file, but when I do it gives me this:

Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: -

I left it on "Solving environment" overnight and it was still spinning its wheel the next day. It is currently still going... I don't think it should take this long and I fear it is hung in some kind of infinite loop.

I'm happy to be wrong and will update if it resolves itself eventually, in which case this may serve as a reminder to others with the same issue to be patient.

Otherwise, I don't know how to resolve this. I haven't tried the other install method since I am using an M1 chip and the install guide makes it clear that trying the other way is unlikely to work.

Error traceback output

No response

What operating system are you using?

Mac OS 12.6.7 Monterey

What version of Python are you running?

No response

What Python packages do you have installed?

No response

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kevin218 commented 8 months ago

It definitely shouldn't take more than a few minutes to find a solution. Are you working in a clean conda environment?

taylorbell57 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for posting this issue here. This is a new one for me and I really don't expect this is something caused by an issue on our end and is more likely to be an issue with your conda setup and/or internet access. It's not unusual for the Solving environment step to take a minute or few, but definitely shouldn't take hours. If I were in your position, I'd try to troubleshoot this by making a new conda environment yourself with some assorted packages (e.g. conda create -n testEnv python==3.9.7 numpy[version='>=1.20.0,<1.22'] matplotlib scipy astropy) which will not be sufficient for running Eureka! but will allow you to see whether you have broader issues with your conda installation (e.g. does a simpler conda environment that has nothing to do with Eureka! also fail to solve). You might also want to check that you have the conda-forge channel enabled on your conda install (which you can do with conda config --add channels conda-forge) as that might help find versions compatible with your operating system

Tusay commented 8 months ago

@kevin218 The install instructions have me building a fresh conda environment from the yml file on git, which is what I'm trying to do.

@taylorbell57 I am able to create a new conda environment with all the packages you listed in your response. I also have a few separate environments that I've built so I know I'm able to build environments. I tried enabling the conda-forge channel (though I think I already had it enabled) and tried running it again. Same result.

To clarify, I'm using the install instructions here and effectively all I've done to this point is clone the github repo, cd into the directory and try to install the new environment with the yml file: git clone -b v0.9 cd Eureka conda env create --file environment.yml --force

And that is where the wheel spins forever...

taylorbell57 commented 8 months ago

@Tusay, can you instead try installing the code that is on the main branch (it has been far too long since we released another version number and I wonder if this is something that was fixed since v0.9). To do that, instead of cloning the v0.9 branch do git clone -b main and then proceed with the rest of the instructions

prunecamille commented 8 months ago

Hi, @Tusay I've had exactly the same issue for a week now, on an M2 chip! So don't worry, you're not alone haha. @taylorbell57 I just tried this and it seems to be working for me! Thank you so much.

taylorbell57 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for letting me know! @kevin218, alright all the more reason to do a v0.10 ASAP. I'll double-check that the upgraded jwst version still works for all three instruments and then will open a PR which will also increment the Eureka! version number. We'll keep this issue open as a reminder to do that

Tusay commented 8 months ago


Using the main branch pull and installing from that yml the install completed with no apparent issues. If something crops up as I begin working with the pipeline I'll make a new ticket. Thanks!

taylorbell57 commented 8 months ago

Reopening this for now as per my message above