kevin218 / Eureka

Eureka! is a data reduction and analysis pipeline intended for time-series observations with JWST.
MIT License
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[Enhancement]: Write recipe for quick PR review #592

Open taylorbell57 opened 7 months ago

taylorbell57 commented 7 months ago


Other (any stage)

What is your suggestion?

To make things easier for Kevin and I (and all users who want to submit a PR), we should write a PR template similar to our Issue templates that makes gathering the minimum information simpler.

We likely want to write a PR template using the info from this website:

Also can look at the template text used by the jwst repo:

<!-- If this PR closes a JIRA ticket, make sure the title starts with the JIRA issue number,
for example JP-1234: <Fix a bug> -->
Resolves [JP-nnnn](

<!-- If this PR closes a GitHub issue, reference it here by its number -->
Closes #

<!-- describe the changes comprising this PR here -->
This PR addresses ...

**Checklist for maintainers**
- [ ] added entry in `CHANGES.rst` within the relevant release section
- [ ] updated or added relevant tests
- [ ] updated relevant documentation
- [ ] added relevant milestone
- [ ] added relevant label(s)
- [ ] ran regression tests, post a link to the Jenkins job below.
      [How to run regression tests on a PR](
- [ ] Make sure the JIRA ticket is [resolved properly](

Some things we may want in our checklist include:

Code of Conduct