kevin2431 / Traj-LO

[RA-L 2024] In Defense of LiDAR-Only Odometry Using an Effective Continuous-Time Trajectory
MIT License
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Inquiry about running NTU-VIRAL dataset with config_ntu.yaml #6

Open shenhm516 opened 1 month ago

shenhm516 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your excellent open-source lidar odometry.

I evaluated the TRAJ-LO on the NTU-VIRAL dataset with the ./trajlo ../data/config_ntu.yaml, but could not get consistent ATE results with the paper published on RA-L. The ATE is getting from the official evaluation python script from NTU-VIRAL dataset . Could you give me some advice about how to get a consistent ATE with the results illustrated in your paper? Moreover, the ./trajlo ../data/config_ntu.yaml seems useful for single lidar odometry, but does not work for the multi-lidar odometry. How can I run TRAJ-LO with multiple lidar?

Looking forward to your reply.

snakehaihai commented 1 month ago


brytsknguyen commented 1 month ago

*grabs popcorn

brytsknguyen commented 1 month ago

@shenhm516 In SLICT I wrote a mergelidar node. Please check it out here:

Not that the output will have the point time stamp in nanosecond relative to the message header time stamp.

Example of how to run the merged lidar with FAST LIO can be found here

shenhm516 commented 1 month ago

@shenhm516 In SLICT I wrote a mergelidar node. Please check it out here:

Not that the output will have the point time stamp in nanosecond relative to the message header time stamp.

Example of how to run the merged lidar with FAST LIO can be found here

Cool! I have merged two lidar point clouds successfully with the slict_sensorsync node open-sourced in SLICT. Thank you very much @brytsknguyen .

snakehaihai commented 1 month ago

And Also don't forget to account for the offset between GT Leica Prism frame and Sensor frame

shenhm516 commented 1 month ago

Hi @snakehaihai,

Thank you for your reminder. The offset between the Leica Prism frame and Sensor frame seems already considered in the evaluation Python script. image Please let me know if I have any misunderstanding.

snakehaihai commented 1 month ago

Thats right. thx