kevinGodell / mp4frag

Parser that works with ffmpeg to read piped data and fragment mp4 into an initialization segment and media segments. It can also get the codec info and generate an fmp4 HLS m3u8 playlist.
MIT License
68 stars 15 forks source link

Reviewer/Co-owner for TypeScript support via DefinitelyTyped #30

Closed kensand closed 1 year ago

kensand commented 1 year ago

Hi mp4frag maintainers,

First of all, thank you for the fantastic library - I am using it in a new spare-time TypeScript project of mine (I'll let you know more about it in the future once I'm ready to publish it)

As mentioned, I am using your library in TypeScript, which requires type declarations for proper typing, that you understandably don't have in a JavaScript project. I have written the declarations for mp4frag and submitted them to DefinitelyTyped here - I was wondering if any of you were interested in:

  1. Reviewing the definitions - I am certainly not as familiar with the inner workings of your library as you are, and the definitions should be as accurate as possible.
  2. Being a co-owner of the definitions - as you maintain the mp4frag JS package, it would certainly be appreciated if you were willing to also update the TS definitions too. It's also just good to have >1 owners for a public piece of code anyways. If not, no worries; I'll do my best to keep these definitions updated as well.

Thank you!

Ken Sanders

kensand commented 1 year ago

The declarations for 0.6.0 have been merged and are available for what it's worth, but the offer is still open :smile:

kevinGodell commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info. I have not yet played with typescript, so I will trust that you have done it correctly. Keep me posted on your project. I am curious to what you will make.

kensand commented 1 year ago

Closing this out for the sake of completeness, look forward to any collaboration in the future :)