kevinGodell / mp4frag

Parser that works with ffmpeg to read piped data and fragment mp4 into an initialization segment and media segments. It can also get the codec info and generate an fmp4 HLS m3u8 playlist.
MIT License
68 stars 15 forks source link

Audio only stream [Error: Output stream error: avcC codec info not found] #9

Closed nunsie closed 3 years ago

nunsie commented 3 years ago

Using an audio only track stream throws the following error:

Error: Output stream error: avcC codec info not found

streams with a video track work perfectly.

kevinGodell commented 3 years ago

Yes, that is true. At the time when I made it, I had not considered that possibility of an audio only mp4. It will take some time, but I should be able to account for this. Perhaps I should add a user option to add a flag telling the parser that it is audio only or should it be automatic? I will have to investigate the structure of the audio only mp4 to see what makes sense.

kevinGodell commented 3 years ago

commit adds support for detecting mp4a in an "audio only" mp4