I am looking to see if I can move forward with the spot check to get AUC-ROC curves for each gene pulled out of my glm. This might be too broad of a question and maybe more of a question for StackOverflow.
Using your program, get a total of 17 genes that are significant with great OR results (p < 0.0001 and OR > 1). I want to spot-check, which I do per your instructions, but when trying to apply it to obtain an AUC-ROC, I always return with an AUC of 1. It's just not adding up, as I can see the prediction values are not that great.
Mostly I want to know what you consider a best practice to obtain AUC-ROC and if you have any other suggestions for moving forward to obtain predictive values.
Here is my code:
Linear Regression
res2 <- RegParallel(
data = rlddata,
formula = '[*] ~ DS',
FUN = function(formula, data)
glm(formula = formula,
data = data,
method = 'glm.fit'),
FUNtype = 'glm',
variables = colnames(rlddata)[1:19336],
p.adjust = "none")
System is:
-- Darwin
-- 500
Cores / Threads:
-- 3
Terms included in model:
-- DS
First 5 formulae:
-- A0A061ACU2 ~ DS
-- A0A067XMP1 ~ DS
-- A0A075F932 ~ DS
-- A0A078ISJ6 ~ DS
-- A0A087WPF7 ~ DS
Hi Kevin,
I am looking to see if I can move forward with the spot check to get AUC-ROC curves for each gene pulled out of my glm. This might be too broad of a question and maybe more of a question for StackOverflow.
Using your program, get a total of 17 genes that are significant with great OR results (p < 0.0001 and OR > 1). I want to spot-check, which I do per your instructions, but when trying to apply it to obtain an AUC-ROC, I always return with an AUC of 1. It's just not adding up, as I can see the prediction values are not that great.
Mostly I want to know what you consider a best practice to obtain AUC-ROC and if you have any other suggestions for moving forward to obtain predictive values.
Here is my code:
Linear Regression
Spot testing
AUC ROC from here