kevinburke / doony

UI Improvements for Jenkins
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doony 2 layout error(s) in IE9 #74

Closed tima closed 10 years ago

tima commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure what the support browsers and versions are in doony. I didn't see anything specifically mentioned. FWIW, at the day job I deployed doony 2.0 with the latest version of Jenkins. I've gotten reports the dashboard layout is a bit messed up when using IE9. The sidebar takes up the whole width of the screen pushing the jobs table down below the fold.

I asked the users to switch browsers even though IE is (sadly) the company standard. Still I thought it was worth mentioning here. Screenshot of what they're seeing are attached.

jenkins-doony2-1 jenkins-doony2-2

kevinburke commented 10 years ago

Jenkins recently switched to a <div> based layout from a table based one. On less wide viewports, this means that some data stretches across the entire page. I believe that's what you're seeing here.

Can you try zooming out comically far, or making your browser window wider (on a bigger monitor perhaps) and tell me if you see the same thing?

tima commented 10 years ago

We zoomed out until IE wouldn't let us do it anymore. Same results.


kevinburke commented 10 years ago

Crap, okay. I guess my last dumb question is do you get the same results without the Doony theme? I just want to narrow it down.

tima commented 10 years ago

Looks like its a Jenkins UI problem. Removed Doony and the problem remains. Sorry I shouldn't have upgraded these things simultaneously.
