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Female ridership tracking #36

Open bradwilliford opened 6 years ago

bradwilliford commented 6 years ago

For Ford GoBike, currently female ridership is approx 26%.

As SF installs safer bike lanes and bike share spreads throughout the city, we're hopeful to improve this number and get more women biking.

Is it possible to had a graph that shows the breakdown of gender (Male / Female / Other)?

kevinburke commented 6 years ago

Maybe the right way to do this would be to have multiple lines on the "Trips per week" chart - one line for male, one female, one other, one total.

bradwilliford commented 6 years ago

That would work. Would it be possible to hover over it to see the percentage? A key metric we're hoping to hit is 30% female ridership.

kevinburke commented 6 years ago

Yep! FYI all of the plotting source code is here - would need to customize the legend for that chart & add the gender breakouts, but should be possible.

Scanning the values in one of the tripdata.csv files I'm worried about mis-classification, maybe it has gotten better but there are a lot of empty values meaning people aren't identifying.

bradwilliford commented 6 years ago

Gotcha. Yeah, specifying Male / Female / Other seems to be optional at sign up time.