kevincar / bless

Cross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy Server Python Library
MIT License
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Decrease default Advertisement interval from 1200 to 100 ms #110

Closed zalexua closed 11 months ago

zalexua commented 11 months ago

Adjusting interval is classified as Experimental in BlueZ and really work only:

They are taken into account only with Kernel v5.11+ and BlueZ v5.65+. It's a known fact that BlueZ verions 5.63-5.64 have broken Dbus part for LEAdvertisingManager and do not work properly when the Experimental mode is enabled.

kevincar commented 11 months ago

Thanks for this request and these updates @zalexua ! The changes to the code seem simple enough. I'll try to get this merged soon.

zalexua commented 11 months ago

Thanks for this request and these updates @zalexua ! The changes to the code seem simple enough. I'll try to get this merged soon.

Thanks for so instant reply ! I think this should a first step. Ideally would be good to make it configurable to hi-level functions too. But I'm not good enough to make such change, as I'm not a programmer.

I originally came here from @ble-serial project, which uses Bless.

kevincar commented 11 months ago

That's great! There are a lot of pieces to BLE that I'm still fairly novice about and try to put it together when I can.

I'd like to merge this into our develop branch before sending it to master. Can you pull updates from kevincar:develop to your master branch to update/resolve the conflicts? Then I'll perform the merge.

zalexua commented 11 months ago

Ok, will do that way.