kevincar / bless

Cross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy Server Python Library
MIT License
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More information on client for callback (read and write) #132

Open mklemarczyk opened 2 months ago

mklemarczyk commented 2 months ago

Describe the solution you'd like I work on the specific application for BLE logging device. I would like to have several dedicated characteristics, that are write only. I would like to track device MAC without need to add extra data into the exchange.

Describe alternatives you've considered Alternativly I can add each time the device name or device MAC directly into the value wrote to the characterisitics. That will be against BLE, as it will make payload bigger.

Additional context The data is already on the BLUEZ transport object. But it is not forwarded into the bless API. I wonder how is situation for other platforms. I work primarlly with linux based servers.

Extract of the options that are available from bluez {'device': <dbus_next.signature.Variant ('o', /org/bluez/hci0/dev_44_03_2C_91_DF_39)>, 'link': <dbus_next.signature.Variant ('s', LE)>, 'mtu': <dbus_next.signature.Variant ('q', 517)>} logged from the BlueZGattCharacteristic.ReadValue method.