seek: there should be a functionality to jump to timestamps in replay - perhaps with pre-loaded snapshots of periodic checkpoints
highlight player: the highlighted player should appear big just like a local player vs remote players
replayer in room: at the end of matches, replayer should be available for the last round
Some really cool features will become possible then - round timeline with clickable events that opens the replayer at the relevant timestamps, automatic highlight of the best combos in the round.
First idea on steps to implement:
basic GUI to pause/play & restart a replay - pause may need some extra work due to timing issues for countdown?
debug GUI to pause and get the snapshot JSON?
method to pre-create snapshots (run ahead asynchronously) + debug GUI to get those?
unit test to test that pausing replays do not alter the outcome?
method to seek replay + unit test?
button in room to watch replay between matches (interrupted when next round is started) - means Replay control GUI must be present in the room view too?
The replayer needs more functionality and GUI.
Some really cool features will become possible then - round timeline with clickable events that opens the replayer at the relevant timestamps, automatic highlight of the best combos in the round.
First idea on steps to implement: