kevinclement / SimpleArmory

World of Warcraft armory site that presents your armory in a simple manor.
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Achievements not visible #598

Open Mezir69 opened 4 months ago

Mezir69 commented 4 months ago

Hello, i see in my achievements page many achivements that i've earned but still grayed out as they were not completed.


Mezir69 commented 4 months ago

Yo u can check for example the achievement for Draenor exploration

SolestialDev commented 3 months ago

Could you provide us with a character name + realm so we can check what might be happening here?

Mezir69 commented 3 months ago

Could you provide us with a character name + realm so we can check what might be happening here?

Pg Mezir Server Pozzo D’Eternita’

SolestialDev commented 3 months ago

I looked at the character & can indeed see that you do have the criteria for these achievements, however I also looked at your wow armory and noticed these achievements are not granted to you on there either.

Could you verify that you have the achievements ingame on that character? If so, it's likely on blizzard's end and there's not much that can be done about it. I'd recommend opening a support ticket with blizz if you want it fixed as that might be required to get it to work again.

Mezir69 commented 3 months ago

Ok, i’ll check on blizzard side and let you know

many thanks BR Luca