kevincobain2000 / gobrew

Go version manager, written in Go. Super simple tool to install and manage Go versions. Install go without root. Gobrew doesn't require shell rehash.
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gobrew can't download package with only major version #156

Closed chetratep closed 8 months ago

chetratep commented 8 months ago

➜ .gobrew gobrew version [INFO] gobrew version is 1.9.7 ➜ .gobrew gobrew install 1.21 ==> [Info] Downloading version: 1.21 ==> [Info] Downloading from: ==> [Info] Downloading to: /Users/chetra.tep/.gobrew/downloads ==> [Info] Downloading version failed: returned status code 404 ==> [Error]: Please check connectivity to url:

Incorrect download url doesn't provide package with major version only. Only full version is available. eg. 1.21.0 => work , 1.21 => download 404 error

kevincobain2000 commented 8 months ago

Thanks. Will fix it today.

kevincobain2000 commented 8 months ago

That's because version 1.21 doesn't exist

From Go version 1.21 onwards, the versions are 1.21.0 and so on..

Having said that, I think we can automatically download 1.21.0 when 1.21 is provided

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kevincobain2000 commented 8 months ago

Pull req: