I'm using Win7、python2.7, 32bits.
In fact, I want to convert some Japanese strings to romaji(for legacy purpose). I've installed the newest Mecab(choose EUC-JP when install), CaboCha(choose utf-8 when install←it only have shift-jis and utf-8 to choose) and then, of course they are not match the code and cannot work(because your tools need to use "euc_jp").So the link above seem to solve the issue but dead.
Further more, from the config shortcut file of Cabocha, I replace the UTF-8 with EUC-JS and run, it seems recompile successfully. Then I try to run your examples, it does have something works (called external Cabocha.exe without error) but nothing output, only a: [ ]
I'm using Win7、python2.7, 32bits. In fact, I want to convert some Japanese strings to romaji(for legacy purpose). I've installed the newest Mecab(choose EUC-JP when install), CaboCha(choose utf-8 when install←it only have shift-jis and utf-8 to choose) and then, of course they are not match the code and cannot work(because your tools need to use "euc_jp").So the link above seem to solve the issue but dead.
Further more, from the config shortcut file of Cabocha, I replace the UTF-8 with EUC-JS and run, it seems recompile successfully. Then I try to run your examples, it does have something works (called external Cabocha.exe without error) but nothing output, only a: [ ]