kevinduh / sockeye-recipes

Training scripts and recipes for Sockeye Neural Machine Translation toolkit
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Update #23

Closed arendu-zz closed 5 years ago

arendu-zz commented 5 years ago

added a line for running quickstart on gpu on CLSP grid. (i.e. removed the -g gpu.p flag)

kevinduh commented 5 years ago

Thanks Adi. What's the effect of using -q gpu.q vs not using on the CLSP grid (with the -l gpu=1 in effect)?

arendu-zz commented 5 years ago

adding the -q gpu.q makes the job stay in wait state indefinitely... I think because the CLSP grid does not recognize gpu.q

arendu-zz commented 5 years ago

maybe worth pointing to a newer gpu (it crashed for me when the grid allocated b04 with an old gpu)

qsub -S /bin/bash -V -cwd -l gpu=1,hostname=b1[12345678]*|c*,h_rt=24:00:00,num_proc=2 -j y ../../scripts/ -p tiny_rnn_gpu.hpm -e sockeye_gpu
kevinduh commented 5 years ago

ok. merged.