kevinem / adobe-sign-php

AdobeSign PHP Client
MIT License
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How to use it #12

Open MuhammadNouman opened 6 years ago

MuhammadNouman commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am new to this composer stuff, need to know how can I use this api wrapper? I have downloaded the code and isntalled using composer command, everythins is downloaded I have ID and secret from Adobe, how can I run tests? it is throwing errors like 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found in D:\wamp6... when I open any php file, it throws errpr

mcbosc commented 5 years ago

I took me a while but I got it working, I hope helps others, after installing with componser yo need to create your sanbox page, for me was a index,php in /vendor/kevinem/adobe-sign-php/ then you need to include 2 classes AdobeSign and Psr7 in my case, because I need to upload 2 documments.

require "../../../vendor/autoload.php"; use KevinEm\AdobeSign\AdobeSign; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;

here is how I configure the $provider

`$archivos = ['/YOUR_PATH/VFirma_FEA_01.pdf', '/YOUR_PATH/505.pdf'];

//YOUR_BACK_URL must be the same as your backend in adobe //dataCenter make sure what server you need, change this manually in AdobeSign.php

$provider = new KevinEm\OAuth2\Client\AdobeSign([ 'clientId' => 'YOUR_APP_ID', 'clientSecret' => 'YOUR_APP_SETRET', 'redirectUri' => 'YOUR_BACK_URL', 'dataCenter' => 'secure.na2', 'scope' => ['user_login:self', 'agreement_write:self', 'widget_write:self', 'library_write:self', 'agreement_send:self' ] ]);`

`$accessToken = $adobeSign->getAccessToken($_GET['code']); $adobeSign->setAccessToken($accessToken->getToken()); $todosDoc = array(); foreach ($archivos as $doc) { $file_path = DIR.$doc; $file_stream = Psr7\FnStream::decorate(Psr7\stream_for(file_get_contents($file_path)), [ 'getMetadata' => function() use ($file_path) { return $file_path; } ]); $multipart_stream = new Psr7\MultipartStream([ [ 'name' => 'File', 'contents' => $file_stream ] ]); $transient_document = $adobeSign->uploadTransientDocument($multipart_stream); array_push($todosDoc, $transient_document); }

    'documentCreationInfo' => [
        'fileInfos'         => $todosDoc,
        'name'              => 'My Document Test',
        'signatureType'     => 'ESIGN',
        'recipientSetInfos' => [
            'recipientSetMemberInfos' => [
                'email' => ''
            'recipientSetRole'        => [
        'mergeFieldInfo'    => [
                'fieldName'    => 'Name',
                'defaultValue' => 'John Doe'
        'signatureFlow'     => 'SENDER_SIGNATURE_NOT_REQUIRED'
itajackass commented 4 years ago

I took me a while but I got it working, I hope helps others, after installing with componser yo need to create your sanbox page, for me was a index,php in /vendor/kevinem/adobe-sign-php/ then you need to include 2 classes AdobeSign and Psr7 in my case, because I need to upload 2 documments.

require "../../../vendor/autoload.php"; use KevinEm\AdobeSign\AdobeSign; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;

here is how I configure the $provider

`$archivos = ['/YOUR_PATH/VFirma_FEA_01.pdf', '/YOUR_PATH/505.pdf'];

//YOUR_BACK_URL must be the same as your backend in adobe //dataCenter make sure what server you need, change this manually in AdobeSign.php

$provider = new KevinEm\OAuth2\Client\AdobeSign([ 'clientId' => 'YOUR_APP_ID', 'clientSecret' => 'YOUR_APP_SETRET', 'redirectUri' => 'YOUR_BACK_URL', 'dataCenter' => 'secure.na2', 'scope' => ['user_login:self', 'agreement_write:self', 'widget_write:self', 'library_write:self', 'agreement_send:self' ] ]);`

`$accessToken = $adobeSign->getAccessToken($_GET['code']); $adobeSign->setAccessToken($accessToken->getToken()); $todosDoc = array(); foreach ($archivos as $doc) { $file_path = DIR.$doc; $file_stream = Psr7\FnStream::decorate(Psr7\stream_for(file_get_contents($file_path)), [ 'getMetadata' => function() use ($file_path) { return $file_path; } ]); $multipart_stream = new Psr7\MultipartStream([ [ 'name' => 'File', 'contents' => $file_stream ] ]); $transient_document = $adobeSign->uploadTransientDocument($multipart_stream); array_push($todosDoc, $transient_document); }

    'documentCreationInfo' => [
        'fileInfos'         => $todosDoc,
        'name'              => 'My Document Test',
        'signatureType'     => 'ESIGN',
        'recipientSetInfos' => [
            'recipientSetMemberInfos' => [
                'email' => ''
            'recipientSetRole'        => [
        'mergeFieldInfo'    => [
                'fieldName'    => 'Name',
                'defaultValue' => 'John Doe'
        'signatureFlow'     => 'SENDER_SIGNATURE_NOT_REQUIRED'

mhh....where do you use $provider var?

mcbosc commented 4 years ago

$adobeSign = new AdobeSign($provider); @itajackass

itajackass commented 4 years ago

@mcbosc thanks after a lot I find that it was not present. But I still get error on the script, $_GET['code'] never found... so i implemented all the code without kevinem script but only with cURL.

Now i get another trouble.

Do you use custom form fields? I can't place it. It seem adobesign ignore my inserts. Please do you have some example of working?

Mine is this:

$header =array(
    "Authorization: Bearer " . $access_token, 
    "cache-control: no-cache",
    "content-type: application/json"

$fields_array = array(
    "fields" => [array(
        "locations" => [array(
            "height" => 36,
            "left" => 75,
            "pageNumber" => 2,
            "top" => 200,
            "width" => 150
        "contentType" => "SIGNER_COMPANY",
        "name" => "sigBlock1",
        "backgroundColor" => "#CCCCCC",
        "inputType" => "TEXT_FIELD",
        "required" => true,
        "visible" => true


$postdata = json_encode($fields_array);

$resource = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($resource, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "" . $id . "/formFields",
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $postdata,

$res = curl_exec($resource);