kevinhermawan / Ollamac

Mac app for Ollama
983 stars 51 forks source link

Using Ollamac with models stored on external HD #37

Open StevicNinja opened 6 months ago

StevicNinja commented 6 months ago

First off, great software! I started running out of HD space so relocated my models to an external drive...Was able to get Ollama to work in terminal by following the documentation (re: server environment variables) but I cannot see how I can set Ollamac to see my model location by default? Any help would be appreciated

mattbisme commented 6 months ago

Ollamac requires ollama serve to already be running… so, in theory, you would have already set the variables prior to the launch of Ollamac. I don't know if @kevinhermawan plans on server management from the app in V2, but that's the only way that I would see this being possible.

V1's design has been a way to interact with the server and installed models, not to manage the server (thus making your request out of scope). That said, you could do a workaround with symlinks.