kevinhermawan / Ollamac

Mac app for Ollama
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DecodingError when Ollama is not on the same host #38

Open stephansann opened 5 months ago

stephansann commented 5 months ago

Hi together 👋🏻

First of all thanks for making this nice Ollama client. I love the clean interface!

Since at the moment it is not possible to set another Ollama server than localhost (and my Ollama server is on another host), I set up a SSH tunnel to open the port 11434 on my localhost and tunnel to the same on the Ollama server.

It kind of works, but only for a short while. The selection of the model is always fine, but the chat will stop with a...

Response could not be decoded because of error: The data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format.

... after some chunks of the answer were presented.

So I downloaded the XCode project and set some breakpoints. I was able to get the error and this is the problem:

 Printing description of result.failure.responseSerializationFailed.reason.decodingFailed.error:
▿ DecodingError
  ▿ dataCorrupted : Context
    - codingPath : 0 elements
    - debugDescription : "The given data was not valid JSON."
    ▿ underlyingError : Optional<Error>
    - some : Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Unexpected character '{' after top-level value around line 2, column 1." UserInfo={NSJSONSerializationErrorIndex=103, NSDebugDescription=Unexpected character '{' after top-level value around line 2, column 1.}

A bit strange, since a SSH tunnel should not change the JSON of an HTTP response.

Anyhow, since you refrained from making the Ollama server configurable until now (and this should be a super easy thing to do), may it be that you also faced similar problems?

I read here... ... that Ollama is opening additional ports, which are not port 11434. I wonder if this could play a role. Anyhow I think it shouldn't, since they should not be relevant for the communication between the client and the server.

Any thoughts?

Thanks a bunch in advance and keep up the great work!

Best regards Stephan

kevinhermawan commented 5 months ago

Hello @stephansann, thank you for using Ollamac! I appreciate the clear details you provided regarding the issue you reported.

FYI, I am currently working on developing Ollamac 2, and you can view the roadmap for it on #31. In the new version, I will be switching to a more advanced chat API, which should help solve many of the problems that users have faced in the past. Additionally, I will be adding a custom host feature that I believe will prove to be very useful.