kevinhermawan / Ollamac

Mac app for Ollama
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Feature Request: Implement Copy-Paste Functionality for Ollamac similar to ChatGPT #52

Open rajpdus opened 2 months ago

rajpdus commented 2 months ago

Ollamac is an excellent tool for generating creative and informative content. However, users often find themselves wanting to replicate the seamless copy-paste experience offered by ChatGPT. Currently, users have to manually copy the generated text from Ollamac and paste it into their desired application. This process interrupts workflow and reduces efficiency.

Proposed Solution Implementing a built-in copy-paste functionality within Ollamac would significantly enhance user experience. Users should be able to generate text and seamlessly copy it to their clipboard with a single click, similar to the functionality provided by ChatGPT.

kevinhermawan commented 1 month ago

I appreciate your input and will consider it for future plans. Thanks for using Ollamac!