kevinhermawan / Ollamac

Mac app for Ollama
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Previously Deleted Chat Re-Appears When Beginning New Chat #57

Open rb81 opened 1 month ago

rb81 commented 1 month ago

To recreate the issue:

Right after creating a new chat, the previous chat window briefly flashes on screen before the new chat is loaded.

Does this mean the chat that was deleted wasn't actually deleted, or was the previous chat window still in memory and not properly dumped?

rb81 commented 1 week ago

This still exists in version 2.0.0.

kevinhermawan commented 1 week ago

The chat is always deleted from the local database. It seems like the previous chat window is still in memory and not properly dumped, causing it to briefly flash on screen before the new chat is loaded. Thanks for the report; I'll work on this in my spare time.