kevinhermawan / Ollamac

Mac app for Ollama
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Model Browser (Ability to load new models not already on system) #95

Open epheterson opened 1 month ago

epheterson commented 1 month ago

New models are coming out all the time, it'd be great to use the UI to select existing, or new models.

Perhaps the drop-down model list could contain only installed models, but at the bottom have a button "Add new models..."

Then a view comes up showing the models from:

I don't see that list available in the app, so not sure how trivial this request is.

Once the model is selected, ollama will download/run it automatically so maybe a UI to show the download progress would be nice as well.

kevinhermawan commented 1 month ago

This is quite useful, but since there is no public Ollama API for accessing models, the only solution is through scraping, which is too complex for just retrieving a list of models, haha.