kevinhwang91 / rnvimr

Make Ranger running in a floating window to communicate with Neovim via RPC
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
804 stars 17 forks source link

Healthcheck fails RPC test #60

Closed j-hui closed 3 years ago

j-hui commented 3 years ago




Ueberzug (optional)


I am told by the healthcheck that RPC is timing out.

Otherwise, I seem to be able to use the plugin just fine (even when I didn't have pynvim or ueberzug installed...).

Am I missing any additional dependencies?

Expected behavior

Unclear what the implications of this error message are, but it shouldn't be appearing.

j-hui commented 3 years ago

I didn't see the note in the FAQ, but to my knowledge I have installed all necessary dependencies, and :echo $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS shows me a socket path under /tmp/.

kevinhwang91 commented 3 years ago

Does the rnvimr works as expected? Such as drawing border, opening files, etc. Have you tried below minimal config?

" use your plugin manager, here is `vim-plug`
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
Plug 'kevinhwang91/rnvimr'
let g:rnvimr_vanilla = 1
tnoremap <silent> <M-i> <C-\><C-n>:RnvimrResize<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <M-o> :RnvimrToggle<CR>
tnoremap <silent> <M-o> <C-\><C-n>:RnvimrToggle<CR>
call plug#end()
j-hui commented 3 years ago

Everything seems to work (so this might be a total non-issue)...

Healthcheck shows the same thing when using the minimal config.

kevinhwang91 commented 3 years ago

I can't reproduce, leave this issue here. If you have any unexpected issues, you can append them here to give me feedback.

j-hui commented 3 years ago

Sounds good, and thank you for an excellent plugin!

kevinhwang91 commented 3 years ago

Could you try below mini.vim? I push a test branch for checkhealth.

call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
Plug 'kevinhwang91/rnvimr', {'branch': 'fix-rpc-timeout'}
let g:rnvimr_vanilla = 1
tnoremap <silent> <M-i> <C-\><C-n>:RnvimrResize<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <M-o> :RnvimrToggle<CR>
tnoremap <silent> <M-o> <C-\><C-n>:RnvimrToggle<CR>
call plug#end()

Post the output of nvim -u mini.vim +'PlugUpdate' +'checkhealth rnvimr' here.

j-hui commented 3 years ago

Thanks for looking into this. Here it is below:

 2 [Plugins]  [No Name]                                                                                                                                                                                          X

## OS
  - OK: Name: Linux

## Ranger
  - OK: Version: ranger 1.9.3

## Python
  - OK: Version: 3.8.5 (default, Jul 20 2020, 13:26:22) [GCC 9.3.0]

## Pynvim
  - OK: Version: 0.4.1

## Ueberzug (optional)
  - OK: Ueberzug is ready

## RPC
cmd: ranger --confdir='/home/j-hui/pokerus/nvim.config/nvim/plugged/rnvimr/ranger'
out: Error while loading plugin 'client'^M
out: Error while loading plugin 'hacks'^M
out: Error while loading plugin 'host'^M
out: ^[[0;10m^[[39;49m^[[39;49m^[[0;10m^[[H^[[J
out: ^[[B
out: ^[[J^[[Aloading...^[[K
out: ^[kranger^[\
out: ^[kranger^[\
out: ^M^[[0;10;1m^[[32mj-hui@charizard-x ^[[34m/home/j-hui/^[[39mbin^[[K^M^[[B^[[0;10;7;1m^[[34m j-hui   ^[[39m^[[0;10m ^[[0;10;7;1m^[[36m bin                    -> 3 ^[[39m^[[0;10m ...^[[3;11H^[[0;10;1m^[[31m^[[34mBitwig Studio             4 ^[[4;11H^[[31m ^[[36mcanalave               -> 9 ^[[5;11H^[[31m ^[[34mcode                      7 ^[[6;11H^[[31m ^[[34mDesktop                  10 ^[[7;11H
out: ^[[31m ^[[34mDocuments                 5 ^[[8;11H^[[31m ^[[34mDownloads                 4 ^[[9;11H^[[31m ^[[34mextern                    7 ^[[10;11H^[[31m ^[[34mhidden-machines           2 ^[[11;11H^[[31m^[[34mmail                      2 ^[[12;11H^[[31m ^[[34mmnt                       0 ^[[13;11H^[[31m ^[[34mMusic                     4 ^[[14;11H^[[31m ^[[34mperl5                     3 ^[[15;11H^[[31m^[[34mPictures                  4 ^[[16;11H^[[31m ^[[36mPlayOnLinux's virtual ~-> 2 ^[[17;11H^[[31m ^[[34mpokerus                  42 ^[[18;11H^[[31m ^[[34mPublic                    0 ^[[19;11H^[[31m^[[34mscratch                   4 ^[[20;11H^[[31m ^[[34mTemplates                 0 ^[[21;11H^[[31m ^[[36mverigu                 -> 7 ^[[22;11H^[[31m ^[[34mVideos                    2 ^[[23;11H^[[31m^[[34mvimwiki                   7 ^M^[[B^[[0;10m^[[36mlrwx------^[[39m 2 j-hui users -> pokerus/bin/bin     34.6M sum, 81.1G free  1/36  To^[[Dp^[[D^[[1@o^[[1;11H^[[0;10m
out: ^[[B
out: ^[[2;41H^[[0;10;7;1m^[[32m open_download                          ^[[3;41H^[[0;10;1m^[[31m ^[[32mrofi-define                            ^[[4;41H^[[31m ^[[32mtoggle-kbmap                           ^[[2;11H^[[39m^[[0;10m
  - ERROR: RPC: timeout 3s```
kevinhwang91 commented 3 years ago

Could you list your directory /home/j-hui/pokerus/nvim.config/nvim/plugged/rnvimr/ranger?

dmitrii-davidov commented 3 years ago

@j-hui I've reproduced this issue: it was because of using separate Python for NVIM:

" init.vim
let g:python3_host_prog=~/.venvs/vim3/bin/python

So pynvim package isn't installed in system Python3 and in this case NVIM starts, it's health-check is ok but ranger can't load rnvimr plugins (although succsesfully starts) so RPC doesn't work.

Looks like in this case ranger uses Python without pynvim package.

kevinhwang91 commented 3 years ago

Can't reproduce and no any useful feedback.