kevinjacobs / HTTPS-Finder

Firefox extension for discovering HTTPS sites and creating HTTPS Everywhere rulesets
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don't suggest rules ,when they already exist in https-everywhere but are disabled #16

Open yoshimo opened 10 years ago

yoshimo commented 10 years ago

If i go to a page where https-everywhere already ships a rule which is disabled because it breaks the page (mixedcontent, not valid certs etc) i do not want https-finder to automatically redirect to https. Most important there is no reason to add a rule which is already there

Zaycoff commented 10 years ago

yoshimo, necessary to add site to exceptions (button «Add to Whitelist» at inquiry for making the rule)

yoshimo commented 10 years ago

the issue is about making this an automated process. You do not neccessarily look wether this site already has a disabled rule when you see the httpfs finder coming up.