kevinjacobs / HTTPS-Finder

Firefox extension for discovering HTTPS sites and creating HTTPS Everywhere rulesets
47 stars 11 forks source link

Why leave ? #18

Closed ivysrono closed 7 years ago

ivysrono commented 10 years ago

What happened?

talha131 commented 10 years ago

I too would like to know the reason.

Mosrite commented 9 years ago


Tailszefox commented 9 years ago

It seems this add-on has been abandoned, considering the lack of update and the unanswered issues opened both here and on Google Code. I assume the author just doesn't have time to develop it anymore, which is why it was removed from the Addons website. Either by the author or automatically because it stopped working with the latest version of Firefox.

It's too bad, it's a fairly useful extension.