kevinjacobs / HTTPS-Finder

Firefox extension for discovering HTTPS sites and creating HTTPS Everywhere rulesets
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Produce output rules in line with HTTPS Everywhere's new style guide #25

Open jsha opened 9 years ago

jsha commented 9 years ago

I've updated the preferred style for HTTPS Everywhere rulesets:

<ruleset name="RabbitMQ">
        <target host="" />
        <target host="" />

        <rule from="^http:"
                to="https:" />

Since I get a lot of ruleset submissions generated by HTTPS Finder, I'd appreciate if you could update the default output format. This will reduce the friction when accepting ruleset submissions.

Thanks, Jacob

ldgbc commented 9 years ago


The HTTPS Finder project seem to be dead for few years now. It would be you have some hand in developing HTTPS Everywhere, it would be good if HTTPS implement a finder feature itself. Otherwise please (1) Fork this add-on and update it, (2) Create your own add-on that share feature wise of what HTTPS Finder do.

With that said, you should know that HTTPS Finder is broken and no longer working with the latest Firefox Stable or any of it newer branch/version.

Hope there is a future in this add-on. Thank you.