kevinlawler / kona

Open-source implementation of the K programming language
ISC License
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Error reporting and the c-kona interface #511

Open tavmem opened 6 years ago

tavmem commented 6 years ago

This issue was identified by @bakul.

In k2.8 (or in k3), when there is an error, k returns a null K-object(r) that has (r->t==6) and (r->n != 0) where r->n is a string (pointer to a character buffer) containing the error message. When k should return a null, then (r->t==6) and (r->n==0). See

Currently, in src/k.c of kona:

extern K kerr(cS s){ if(strcmp(s,"(nil)"))fer=2; R snprintf(errmsg,256,"%s",s),(K)0; }

The signature of snprintf is

int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ... );

where snprintf returns the number of characters printed into the buffer.

So, when there is an error in kona, it seems that kona returns some sort of amalgam of an int and K(0). Bakul's work on the c-kona interface demonstrates that this amalgam (upon error) will test equal to 0 in C.

K b = ksk("+/", a);
if (b == 0) { R 0; } // FIX this

My own experiments seem to show that b->t and b->n are indeterminate. Note that the c-kona interface crashes on an attempt to show b, or to access b->t or b->n if there was an error in kona.

This should all be fixed in kona, to bring kona into alignment with k2.8 and k3 and so that the c-kona interface can work as it should.

tavmem commented 6 years ago

Here's one complication: At the time the error occurs, the null K-object (r) may have (r->n > 0). Changing that to point to the error message will mess up the reference counting on r.

tavmem commented 6 years ago

Also, when an error is reported from k to C as part of an ongoing dialogue, k has not necessarily closed. So it's probable that the null K-object is still in use in k. This all seems to indicate that reference counting may not be done on the the null K-object in k2 or k3.

bakul commented 6 years ago

You need to create a new null object with an embedded error string, not change the standard _n.

tavmem commented 6 years ago

Well ... that make sense. Thanks !!

tavmem commented 6 years ago

On the other hand, maybe not ... When k should return the standard _n (and there is no error), standard _n normally has (r->n > 0). If standard _n is returned with (r->n==0), it does seem to imply that either:

bakul commented 6 years ago

Why does standard _n have r->n > 0?

Nothing special needed for refcounting a returned error or _n. The refcount is in r->_c. In k3, for a symbol value, r->n is used to store the string pointer. This is why CandK.txt keeps referring to ->n. Kona doesn’t use r->n to store string ptr. See the defn of macro Ks.

In case any K returning function has to return Some error “foo”, it should R kerr("foo"); And all that fn kerr() does is to get a new object r with type 6 and sets Ks(r) to the error string. To test if a returned value of type K is an error, check r->t ==6&&Ks(r)!=0.

tavmem commented 6 years ago

Thanks again ... Must be my dyslexia kicking up. I confused r->_c (ref count) with r->n (number of items)

tavmem commented 6 years ago

In k2.8, it is possible to easily show that an error condition returns null

$ rlwrap -n ./k
K 2.8 2000-10-10 Copyright (C) 1993-2000 Kx Systems
Evaluation. Not for commercial use. 
\ for help. \\ to exit.

  r: 1+`a
type error
r: 1+`a
>  \


  r ~ _n

in Kona, you seem to get the correct behavior

$ rlwrap -n ./k
kona      \ for help. \\ to exit.

  r: 1+`a
type error
r: 1+`a
>  \



But that is because k2.8 is correctly parsing from right to left

$ rlwrap -n ./k
K 2.8 2000-10-10 Copyright (C) 1993-2000 Kx Systems
Evaluation. Not for commercial use. 
\ for help. \\ to exit.

  r: a
value error
parse error

and kona is erroneously parsing from left to right (and capturing the token to the left of an amend before attempting to capture any tokens to the right of the amend)

$ rlwrap -n ./k
kona      \ for help. \\ to exit.

  r: a
value error
  _n ~ r

See issue #481.

tavmem commented 6 years ago

This is not a bug. Kona was designed to return 0 to indicate an error (see Coding Guidelines). Changing error handling to be consistent with k2.8 would be an enhancement to kona.

Both this issue and issue 481 concern how kona was designed to handle errors. It seems to me that it may be best to fix issue 481 first.