kevinlawler / kona

Open-source implementation of the K programming language
ISC License
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Incompatible serialized data files #618

Open tavmem opened 2 years ago

tavmem commented 2 years ago

Issue #615 addresses the crash for serialized data. This issue documents incompatible aspects of files between k2.8 and kona (on 64-bit Fedora).

My copy of k2.8 for Linux:

[tom@localhost k2.8]$ file k
k: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, stripped 

My build of kona on Linux:

[tom@localhost kona]$ file k
k: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=6b1a4d75c9fbe38289d34ba3277a5b0335df5f54, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, with debug_info, not stripped

for both k2.8 and kona I am using a file sp25.k extracted from the examples of issue #615, but with only 25 elements (avoiding the crash in kona). Executing these 2 commands in k2.8

  \l sp25.k
  `"pxs25a" 1: puz

results in the file

-rw-rw-r--. 1 tom tom    2216 Jan 10 13:07 pxs25a.l

Running these 2 commands in kona

  \l sp25.k
  `"pxs25b" 1: puz

results in the file

-rwxrwxr-t. 1 tom tom    4032 Jan 10 13:06 pxs25b.K


in k2.8

  pxd25a: 1: `"pxs25a"
  pxd25b: 1: `"pxs25b"
pxs25b.l: No such file or directory
pxd25b: 1: `"pxs25b"

Changing the file extension to pxs25b.l we get

  pxd25b: 1: `"pxs25b"
pxd25a pxd25b 

The file created using kona does not load properly into k2.8, we get no error messages, but a variable is created.

in kona

  pxd25b: 1: `"pxs25b"

  pxd25a: 1: `"pxs25a"
domain error

Changing the file extension to pxs25a.l we get

  pxd25a: 1: `"pxs25a"
nonce error

The file created using k2.8 does not load at all into kona, but we get error messages.

It's not necessarily bad that kona seems to be saving data in a 64-bit format, but in this casae k2.8 and kona are incompatilble.