AS a WTP engineer
I WANT TO see a "Hello, world" for the applications & infrastructure
SO THAT I know the starting point is working
AS a WTP engineer
I WANT TO be able to use a wtp cli to generate VS code workspace configuration
SO THAT I can leverage my IDE features for a better dev experience
Functional Requirements
Add "Hello, world" for app/infrastrucure
Add Hello, World tests where possible
Create wtp cli with
config generate vscode command
This command also accepts the --type=minimal|recommended|opinionated flag to determine settings
User Stories
AS a WTP engineer I WANT TO see a "Hello, world" for the applications & infrastructure SO THAT I know the starting point is working
AS a WTP engineer I WANT TO be able to use a wtp cli to generate VS code workspace configuration SO THAT I can leverage my IDE features for a better dev experience
Functional Requirements
cli withconfig generate vscode
commandstart aws-lambda