kevinmehall / nano-dm

Receive Qualcomm DSP debug logs over USB
MIT License
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Can't connect to Qualcomm HS-USB Android DIAG 901D of 845HDK #5

Open karlzheng opened 1 year ago

karlzheng commented 1 year ago

Hi Kevin, It can't handshake with Qualcomm HS-USB Android DIAG 901D of 845HDK, could you tell how to dump more debug messages, and let it be working? Thanks!

karlzheng commented 1 year ago

the debug message as belown is not work, //println!("{}", rx); //let str_rx = rx.to_string(); //println!("{}", str_rx); use std::io::Write; write!(&mut read_buf[0..9], "{}", 10);

kevinmehall commented 1 year ago

No idea, sorry. I haven't used this in years.

karlzheng commented 1 year ago

No idea, sorry. I haven't used this in years.

OK. Thanks!

karlzheng commented 1 year ago

Do you have some relative app or document about mini-dm to recommend? Thanks!

karlzheng commented 1 year ago

Hi Kevin, I had modified it working, and push it to

karlzheng commented 1 year ago

Hi @kevinmehall , Could you tell me something about the protocol,
try!(handle.write_bulk(0x01, &[0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x47, 0xb8, 0x7e], Duration::from_secs(10))); is it called the Diag protocol ?

karlzheng commented 1 year ago

Are there some documents?

karlzheng commented 1 year ago

Got one relatived, but not detail