kevinobee / Sitecore.Ship

Ship provides a CI service layer for Sitecore
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Sitecore ship throws MissingMethodException on SC9 #78

Open matthiasduyck opened 6 years ago

matthiasduyck commented 6 years ago


When trying to use Sitecore ship to install packages on a Sitecore 9 installation I'm getting the following error: Method not found: 'Void Sitecore.Update.Installer.XmlEntrySerializer.Serialize(System.Collections.Generic.List`1, System.IO.Stream)'.

I'm guessing they changed something in 9 that breaks functionality. Any ideas?


whuu commented 6 years ago

It works if you build the sources from this branch: with dlls from Sitecore 9. You will have to comment out Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.Indexing.Enabled as it's deprecated and the build fails with it. Also change target framework for ship projects to 4.6.2

Amarapathi commented 6 years ago

I have downloaded the branch(sitecore82) and with sitecore 9 dlls(Sitecore.Client.dll

Any idea sitecore ship supporting the sitecore 9 version?

whuu commented 6 years ago

You should change target framework to 4.6.2 in Sitecore.Ship projects too

Amarapathi commented 6 years ago

Thanks working now. I am uploading .update file from vsts tool(Sitecore ship Deploy Task) to Azure PaaS. I am getting the server timeout error after few mins. But ship updating the sitecore items in azure PaaS. Any idea how to resolve the timeout issue.(I tried to increase the timeout but no help) Error:

[error]System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Status code InternalServerError. Reason . Server reported the following message: 500 - The request timed out.

500 - The request timed out.

Issue 2: After upgrade the framework 4.6.2, there is no logs written in the sitecore log file about sitecore ship.(failure or success).

prabhatsingh2011 commented 6 years ago

@Amarapathi - i was also getting the same error and could not resolve this. Finally i had to switch to TDS package deployer module.

Amarapathi commented 6 years ago

@prabhatsingh2011 Could you please provide me the reference link which you have refered for the TDS package deployer.

prabhatsingh2011 commented 6 years ago

@Amarapathi - here it is. I have used Octopus and VSTS. if required i can share my step templates(powershell scripts) for you to use.

Amarapathi commented 6 years ago

@prabhatsingh2011 Yes please share the steps which you used.

Thanks, Amarapathi.

kumar-vika commented 5 years ago

@prabhatsingh2011 Can you please share the steps. I have to use same one with Octopus and Teamcity.

Thanks, Vikas Kumar