kevinpapst / kimai2-console

Console application for Kimai remote access - time-tracking via bash
MIT License
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400 Bad Request in customer select after correct listing #19

Closed rg-ch closed 1 year ago

rg-ch commented 1 year ago

Kimai start displays customer list correctly (version 0.4:


but selection of customer fails (local php version PHP 8.2.6, i also tested with 8.0.27): image

See error message in remote kimai 2.0.26 below, I also tested with demo kimai, same error.

[2023-06-22T17:33:54.102129+02:00] request.ERROR: Uncaught PHP Exception FOS\RestBundle\Exception\InvalidParameterException: "Parameter "customers" of value "4" violated a constraint "This value should be of type iterable."" at /home/clients/59/kimai2/vendor/friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle/Exception/InvalidParameterException.php line 62 {"exception":"[object] (FOS\RestBundle\Exception\InvalidParameterException(code: 0): Parameter \"customers\" of value \"4\" violated a constraint \"This value should be of type iterable.\" at /home/clients/59/kimai2/vendor/friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle/Exception/InvalidParameterException.php:62)"} [] [2023-06-22T17:33:54.049494+02:00] security.INFO: Authenticator successful! {"token":{"Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authenticator\Token\PostAuthenticationToken":"PostAuthenticationToken(user=\"myuser\", roles=\"ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN, ROLE_TEAMLEAD, ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER\")"},"authenticator":"App\API\Authentication\SessionAuthenticator"} [] [2023-06-22T17:33:53.218112+02:00] request.INFO: Matched route "get_projects". {"route":"get_projects","route_parameters":{"_route":"get_projects","_controller":"App\API\ProjectController::cgetAction"},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} []

Unfortunately, I found this message too late.: Release was tested with API version 0.6 and Kimai version 1.21 only.

Would be great to make it work again for kimai 2. Thanks !

kevinpapst commented 1 year ago

Created a new release: