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Railroad syntax diagram generator
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Support EBNF and W3C notations #12

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 2 days ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 days ago

Can standard notations like EBNF and W3C (grammars as found in W3C specs) be converted to the Python representation?

egberts commented 1 day ago

I am unclear as to

Gonna throw a few things out there for examples:

I would be talking about writing the PyParsing notation (in strict Python):

# acl acl-name {
#    [ address_match_nosemicolon | any | all ];
# };

clause_stmt_acl_standalone = (
        - Group(   # Best thing I've ever done.
            acl_name  # (Word(alphanums + '_-'))('acl_name')
            - (

                        aml_nesting('')  # peel away testing label here
                    )  # ('aml_series3')

Or DHParser notation (also in strict Python) like:

import sys, re

from DHParser.parse import Grammar, Forward, Whitespace, Drop, NegativeLookahead, \
    ZeroOrMore, RegExp, Option, TKN, DTKN, Text

_element = Forward().name('_element', disposable=True)
_dwsp = Drop(Whitespace(r'\s*'))
_EOF = NegativeLookahead(RegExp('.'))
EXP = (Text("E") | Text("e") + Option(Text("+") | Text("-")) + RegExp(r'[0-9]+')).name('EXP')
FRAC = (Text(".") + RegExp(r'[0-9]+')).name('FRAC')
INT = (Option(Text("-")) + RegExp(r'[1-9][0-9]+') | RegExp(r'[0-9]')).name('INT')
HEX = RegExp(r'[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]').name('HEX')
UNICODE = (DTKN("\\u") + HEX + HEX).name('unicode')
ESCAPE = (RegExp('\\\\[/bnrt\\\\]') | UNICODE).name('ESCAPE')
PLAIN = RegExp('[^"\\\\]+').name('PLAIN')
null = TKN("null").name('null')
false = TKN("false").name('false')
true = TKN("true").name('true')
_bool = true | false
number = (INT + Option(FRAC) + Option(EXP) + _dwsp).name('number')
string = (Text('"') + _CHARACTERS + Text('"') + _dwsp).name('string')
array = (DTKN("[") + Option(_element + ZeroOrMore(DTKN(",") + _element)) + DTKN("]")).name('array')
member = (string + DTKN(":") + _element).name('member')
json_object = (DTKN("{") + member +  ZeroOrMore(DTKN(",") + member) + DTKN("}")).name('json_object')
_element.set(json_object | array | string | number | _bool | null)
json = (_dwsp + _element + _EOF).name('json')

json_parser = Grammar(json)

I've found a DHParser (packrat) grammar variant that will take in a multitude of EBNF variants, perhaps you can reconstruct from their DHParser grammar and back into your favorite grammar.

# EBNF-Grammar in EBNF

# This grammar is tuned for flexibility, that is, it supports as many
# different flavors of EBNF as possible. However, this flexibility
# comes at the cost of some ambiguities. In particular:
#    1. the alternative OR-operator / could be mistaken for the start
#       of a regular expression and vice versa, and
#    2. character ranges [a-z] can be mistaken for optional blocks
#       and vice versa
# A strategy to avoid these ambiguities is to do all of the following:
#     - replace the free_char-parser by a never matching parser
#     - if this is done, it is safe to replace the char_range_heuristics-
#       parser by an always matching parser
#     - replace the regex_heuristics by an always matching parser
# Ambiguities can also be avoided by NOT using all the syntactic variants
# made possible by this EBNF-grammar within one and the same EBNF-document

@ optimizations = all
@ comment    = /(?!#x[A-Fa-f0-9])#.*(?:\n|$)|\/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\/|\(\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\)/
    # comments can be either C-Style: /* ... */
    # or pascal/modula/oberon-style: (* ... *)
    # or python-style: # ... \n, excluding, however, character markers: #x20
@ whitespace = /\s*/                            # whitespace includes linefeed
@ literalws  = right                            # trailing whitespace of literals will be ignored tacitly
@ hide       = is_mdef, component, pure_elem, countable, no_range, FOLLOW_UP,
               MOD_SYM, MOD_SEP, ANY_SUFFIX, EOF
@ drop       = whitespace, MOD_SYM, EOF, no_range        # do not include these even in the concrete syntax tree
@ RNG_BRACE_filter = matching_bracket()         # filter or transform content of RNG_BRACE on retrieve

# re-entry-rules for resuming after parsing-error

@ definition_resume = /\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)/
@ directive_resume  = /\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)/

# specialized error messages for certain cases

@ definition_error  = /,/, 'Delimiter "," not expected in definition!\nEither this was meant to '
                           'be a directive and the directive symbol @ is missing\nor the error is '
                           'due to inconsistent use of the comma as a delimiter\nfor the elements '
                           'of a sequence.'

#: top-level

syntax     = ~ { definition | directive | macrodef } EOF
definition = [modifier] symbol §:DEF~ [ :OR~ ] expression [ MOD_SYM~ hide ]
             :ENDL~ & FOLLOW_UP  # [:OR~] to support v. Rossum's syntax
  modifier = (drop | [hide]) MOD_SEP   # node LF after modifier allowed!
  is_def   = [ MOD_SEP symbol ] :DEF | MOD_SEP is_mdef
  _is_def  = [ MOD_SEP symbol ] _DEF | MOD_SEP is_mdef
  MOD_SEP  = / *: */

directive  = "@" §symbol "=" component { "," component } & FOLLOW_UP
  # component  = (regexp | literals | procedure | symbol !DEF)
  component  = regexp | literals | procedure | symbol !_DEF !_is_def
             | &`$` !is_mdef § placeholder !is_def
             | "(" expression ")"  | RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS expression
  literals   = { literal }+                       # string chaining, only allowed in directives!
  procedure  = SYM_REGEX "()"                     # procedure name, only allowed in directives!

macrodef   =  [modifier] "$" name~ ["(" §placeholder { "," placeholder }  ")"]
             :DEF~ [ OR~ ] macrobody [ MOD_SYM~ hide ] :ENDL~ & FOLLOW_UP
  macrobody  = expression
  is_mdef    = "$" name ["(" placeholder { "," placeholder }  ")"] ~:DEF

FOLLOW_UP  = `@` | `$` | modifier | symbol | EOF

#: components

expression = sequence { :OR~ sequence }
sequence   = ["§"] ( interleave | lookaround )  # "§" means all following terms mandatory
             { !`@` !(symbol :DEF) :AND~ ["§"] ( interleave | lookaround ) }
interleave = difference { "°" ["§"] difference }
lookaround = flowmarker § part
difference = term [!`->` "-" § part]
term       = (oneormore | counted | repetition | option | pure_elem) [ MOD_SYM~ drop ]
part       = (oneormore | pure_elem) [ MOD_SYM~ drop ]

#: tree-reduction-markers aka "AST-hints"

drop       = "DROP" | "Drop" | "drop" | "SKIP" | "Skip" | "skip"
hide       = "HIDE" | "Hide" | "hide" | "DISPOSE" | "Dispose" | "dispose"

#: elements

countable  = option | oneormore | element
pure_elem  = element § !ANY_SUFFIX              # element strictly without a suffix
element    = [retrieveop] symbol !is_def        # negative lookahead to be sure it's not a definition
           | literal
           | plaintext
           | char_ranges
           | regexp
           | char_range
           | character ~
           | any_char
           | whitespace
           | group
           | macro !is_def
           | placeholder !is_def
           | parser                             # a user-defined parser

ANY_SUFFIX = /[?*+]/

#: flow-operators

flowmarker = "!"  | "&"                         # '!' negative lookahead, '&' positive lookahead
           | "<-!" | "<-&"                      # '<-!' negative lookbehind, '<-&' positive lookbehind
retrieveop = "::" | ":?" | ":"                  # '::' pop, ':?' optional pop, ':' retrieve

#: groups

group      = "(" no_range §expression ")"
oneormore  = "{" no_range expression "}+" | element "+"
repetition = "{" no_range §expression "}" | element "*" no_range
option     = !char_range "[" §expression "]" | element "?"
counted    = countable range | countable :TIMES~ multiplier | multiplier :TIMES~ §countable

range      = RNG_BRACE~ multiplier [ :RNG_DELIM~ multiplier ] ::RNG_BRACE~
no_range   = !multiplier | &multiplier :TIMES
multiplier = /[1-9]\d*/~

#: leaf-elements

parser     = "@" name "(" [argument] ")"        # a user defined parser
  argument = literal | name~

symbol     = SYM_REGEX ~                        # e.g. expression, term, parameter_list
literal    = /"(?:(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\"|[^"])*?"/~  # e.g. "(", '+', 'while'
           | /'(?:(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\'|[^'])*?'/~  # whitespace following literals will be ignored tacitly.
           | /’(?:(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\’|[^’])*?’/~
plaintext  = /`(?:(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\`|[^`])*?`/~  # like literal but does not eat whitespace
           | /´(?:(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\´|[^´])*?´/~
regexp     = :RE_LEADIN RE_CORE :RE_LEADOUT ~   # e.g. /\w+/, ~/#.*(?:\n|$)/~
# regexp     = /\/(?:(?<!\\)\\(?:\/)|[^\/])*?\//~     # e.g. /\w+/, ~/#.*(?:\n|$)/~

char_range = `[` &char_range_heuristics [`^`] { range_desc }+ "]"
char_ranges = RE_LEADIN range_chain { `|` range_chain } RE_LEADOUT ~
  range_chain = `[` [`^`] { range_desc }+ `]`
  range_desc = (character | free_char) [ [`-`] (character | free_char) ]

character  = :CH_LEADIN HEXCODE
free_char  = /[^\n\[\]\\]/ | /\\[nrtfv`´'"(){}\[\]\/\\]/
any_char   = "."
whitespace = /~/~                               # insignificant whitespace

#: macros

macro       = "$" name "(" no_range expression { "," no_range expression } ")"
placeholder = "$" name !`(` ~

name        = SYM_REGEX

#: delimiters

EOF = !/./ [:?ENDL] [:?DEF] [:?OR] [:?AND]      # [:?DEF], [:?OR], ... clear stack by eating stored value

DEF        = _DEF
_DEF       = `=` | `:=` | `::=` | `<-` | /:\n/ | `: `  # with `: `, retrieve markers mustn't be followed by a blank!
OR         = `|` | `/` !regex_heuristics
AND        =  `,` | ``
ENDL       = `;` | ``

BRACE_SIGN = `{` | `(`
RNG_DELIM  = `,`
TIMES      = `*`

RE_LEADIN  = `/` &regex_heuristics | `^/`

CH_LEADIN  = `0x` | `%x` | `U+` | `u+` | `#x` | `\x` | `\u` | `\U`

MOD_SYM   = `->`

#: heuristics

char_range_heuristics  = ! ( /[\n]/ | more_than_one_blank
                           | ~ literal_heuristics
                           | ~ [`::`|`:?`|`:`] STRICT_SYM_REGEX /\s*\]/ )
                         & ({ range_desc }+ `]`)
  STRICT_SYM_REGEX     = /(?!\d)\w+/
more_than_one_blank    = /[^ \]]*[ ][^ \]]*[ ]/
literal_heuristics     = /~?\s*"(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^"]*)*"/
                       | /~?\s*'(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^']*)*'/
                       | /~?\s*`(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^`]*)*`/
                       | /~?\s*´(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^´]*)*´/
                       | /~?\s*\/(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^\/]*)*\//
regex_heuristics       = ! ( / +`[^`]*` +\//
                           | / +´[^´]*´ +\//
                           | / +'[^']*' +\//
                           | / +"[^"]*" +\//
                           | / +\w+ +\// )
                         ( /[^\/\n*?+\\]*[*?+\\][^\/\n]*\//
                         | /[^\w]+\//
                         | /[^ ]/ )

#: basic-regexes

RE_CORE    = /(?:(?<!\\)\\(?:\/)|[^\/])*/       # core of a regular expression, i.e. the dots in /.../
SYM_REGEX  = /(?!\d)\w(?:-?\w)*/                # regular expression for symbols
HEXCODE    = /(?:[A-Fa-f1-9]|0(?!x)){1,8}/

#: error-markers

egberts commented 1 day ago

A link that covers all variants of [E]BNF and their "regex" pattern

VladimirAlexiev commented 18 hours ago

@egberts Sorry to post such a short and incomprehensible description!