kevinsawicki / monokai

Monokai Atom Syntax theme
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Hash styling bug #31

Open xpepermint opened 9 years ago

xpepermint commented 9 years ago

I started the descusion here. In the example bellow the if:, unless:, presente: should be colored differently (now with the same color).

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :project

  enum status: { enabled: 1, disabled: 2 }

  validates :project, :type, presence: true
  with_options if: :something?, unless: :something? do |step|
    step.validates :name, :description, presence: true

Can we add this?

svanharmelen commented 9 years ago

@xpepermint looking at the discussion your referenced, I wonder if this should indeed be done. It's a simple change, but for example when checking this is Sublime I see it also (wrongly) highlights only the keywords if: and unless:.

By adding a dedicated color for symbol.haskey somthing like this could be achieved:


But before adding that I would like to know is that is actually expected and desired behaviour? And I now used the pink/red color, but maybe it should have the orange color instead? Don't know how other Monokai themes color this one?