kevinsawicki / monokai

Monokai Atom Syntax theme
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Highlighting function parameters #64

Closed woutderooms closed 8 years ago

woutderooms commented 8 years ago

I recently switched from Sublime to Atom, both using the Monokai syntax highlighting. In Sublime function parameters were highlighted in orange, in Atom they are plain white.

Language: Javascript (ECMA 5) Monokai version: 0.18.0 Atom Version: 1.0.19

svanharmelen commented 8 years ago

@woutderooms it seems I cannot reproduce your issue:


Could you post an example and some additional info so I can have a closer look?

woutderooms commented 8 years ago

@svanharmelen my mistake, it seems that it works as expected when the syntax is set to Javascript, but fails to highlight when using Babel ES6 Javascript (using the language-babel package)

Maybe it is related that package instead.

screenshot 2015-10-05 20 59 32
svanharmelen commented 8 years ago

@woutderooms thanks for the feedback! And indeed the language packages are responsible for assigning scopes to words/symbols that it turn are used by highlighting packages like Monokai.