kevinsawicki / monokai

Monokai Atom Syntax theme
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Inconsistent bold in Java #71

Open benplumley opened 8 years ago

benplumley commented 8 years ago

I'm getting inconsistent (within a file) bold text on everything coloured pink when I edit Java, see screenshot: atom_2016-03-25_13-50-15 This goes away when I close and reopen the file, or even just minimise and restore Atom. It comes back soon after - I haven't worked out what causes it to come back. After minimising: atom_2016-03-25_13-55-42 I'm using Atom 1.6.0, Monokai 0.18.0, Windows 10, UI theme is One Dark. I'm currently using Atom with an empty styles.less to see if the issue persists.