kevinsawicki / wishlist

Utilities I wish Android had but doesn't
385 stars 105 forks source link

Android Bootstrap #14

Open ikermart opened 9 years ago

ikermart commented 9 years ago

Hi, 2 days ago this library started to show this issue: on android studio package com.github.kevinsawicki.wishlist does not exist My gradle (compile 'com.github.kevinsawicki:wishlist:0.9') configuration didn't change, so I'm assuming that something has changed on the maven repository, any idea how to solve this problem?

sas101 commented 9 years ago

The apklib packaging of this project is not compatible with the android gradle plugin, which uses aar packaging now. See here for a long explanation:

v1p commented 9 years ago

Is there a way that an aar for this library can be made available?

melug commented 9 years ago aar library. here's how to include from local file system: