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Colmar - Summary #11

Open mikebutts opened 6 years ago

mikebutts commented 6 years ago

Exceeds Expectations

Very well done with this project! It looks similar to spec with some improvements. I noticed in previous issues you were told to use indentation, the indentation for this was perfect and it made the code very easy to read, good job with this. You had very good use of flex which was one of the main takeaways for this program and you nailed it. I also enjoyed the add on animations and colors, this is why I gave you exceeds expectations, you did the project right then add flair.

Overall this was a great project and can be a great portfolio piece, I challenge you to make this your own unique project by adding the other pages, the sign in can just be a login form:

Then add in other info with dummy data using lorem ipson (just google lorem generator or hipsum ) And you can use . Keep up the good work.

kevinseabourne commented 6 years ago

Dude I can't stop smiling right now !. Reading this just lets me know, all the studying i've done, after working all day is paying off.