kevinseabourne /

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Open ad3429 opened 6 years ago

ad3429 commented 6 years ago

Summary Grade: Satisfactory

Good job! Your files are organized nicely, and you did a great job of matching the client specification for the most part -- this is an important skill to have as a developer and you seem to understand that. Moreover, you generally followed excellent code practice, so make sure to keep that up!

I have made some comments in your code to take note of. First off, good job commenting the main parts of your HTML and CSS. This is something that many learners forget to do, but it goes a long way, especially as your projects grow and become more complex. Make sure to keep this up!

One thing I noticed is that your CSS is incorrectly linked in your HTML file. You linked to a local file on your computer, however you should link to the file directly in your project folder. Please see your comments for a corrected version of this link path.

Moreover, I noticed that your HTML indentation/formatting can be a bit inconsistent at times, so I wanted to provide an excellent resource that goes over how to properly format/indent your HTML:

This isn't a big issue now since you haven't learned about this yet, but I wanted to introduce you to the idea of responsive design. You will certainly learn more about this concept in the next project, but I wanted to provide a great resource to get you to start thinking about building sites that look good on all different kinds of platforms/browser sizes:

Great job overall! As a further challenge, try using css to design your webpage even further! You did a great job in following the client specification, but for your own practice you should see how creative you can get by taking the design/styling of your site to the next level (for example, you can try experimenting with background colors on your other divs.