kevinsperrine / idiorm

A completely refactored, to match PSR coding standards, version of Idiorm: A lightweight nearly-zero-configuration object-relational mapper and fluent query builder for PHP5.
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What's the best summary of progress since j4mie left off -- ex: raw_merge() #3

Open ralph-tice opened 11 years ago

ralph-tice commented 11 years ago

Sorry, kind of new to Github. Are all the pull requests pending from j4mie's fork merged into this codebase or is there a better way to get a summary of changes? I looked over the tags and it seems like a lot of progress has been made but I couldn't immediately tell if raw_merge() was merged in or not.

I don't see it with a brief glance though, here it is for reference: //run raw queries besides SELECT public function raw_merge() { if ($this->_is_raw_query) { self::_log_query($this->_raw_query, $this->_raw_parameters); $statement = self::$_db->prepare($this->_raw_query); if (is_array($this->_raw_parameters) && count($this->_raw_parameters) > 0) $success = $statement->execute($this->_raw_parameters); else $success = $statement->execute(); return $success; } }

here is the original issue: Oh, and I came to this fork in particular becuse it apepars most up to date -- maybe I didn't use the network graph feature correctly?

kevinsperrine commented 11 years ago

Many of the features different people have implemented since Jamie left off have been implemented, but this one has not. You can look at the list of commits to see what I've pulled together in this fork