Paragraph 3: In this chapter, we first discuss Boolean algebra in programming, a setting with which the reader is already familar, baesd on a first course in programming. (familiar, based)
Paragraph 1 of The Syntax of Boolean Expressions: Inductive Definitions: As an example of syntax, the true, in the statement, var b := true; is a valid expression in the language of Boolean expressions, as defined by the syntaxt of this language. The semantics of the language associates the Boolean value, true, with this expression. (syntax)
Paragraph 3 of The Syntax of a Complete Boolean Expression Language: How can we extend the syntax of our simplified language so that it specifies the infinity set of well formed expressions in the language of Boolean expressions? The answer is that we need to add some more cosntructors. (constructors)
Paragraph 4 of The Syntax of a Complete Boolean Expression Language: For example, if P and Q are arbitrary "smaller" expressions, we need a consructor to build the expression P and Q, a constructor to build the expression, P or Q, and one that can build the expressions not P and not Q.
Paragraph 3 under semantics: Each case starts with the case keyword, then the name of a constructor followed by an argument list if the construtor took parameters. (constructor)
Final Paragraph: Rather, it is expressed ina relation that explains how running the programs transforms any pre-execution state that satisfies the program preconditions into a post-execution state. (in a)
Paragraph 3: In this chapter, we first discuss Boolean algebra in programming, a setting with which the reader is already familar, baesd on a first course in programming. (familiar, based) Paragraph 1 of The Syntax of Boolean Expressions: Inductive Definitions: As an example of syntax, the true, in the statement, var b := true; is a valid expression in the language of Boolean expressions, as defined by the syntaxt of this language. The semantics of the language associates the Boolean value, true, with this expression. (syntax) Paragraph 3 of The Syntax of a Complete Boolean Expression Language: How can we extend the syntax of our simplified language so that it specifies the infinity set of well formed expressions in the language of Boolean expressions? The answer is that we need to add some more cosntructors. (constructors) Paragraph 4 of The Syntax of a Complete Boolean Expression Language: For example, if P and Q are arbitrary "smaller" expressions, we need a consructor to build the expression P and Q, a constructor to build the expression, P or Q, and one that can build the expressions not P and not Q. Paragraph 3 under semantics: Each case starts with the case keyword, then the name of a constructor followed by an argument list if the construtor took parameters. (constructor) Final Paragraph: Rather, it is expressed ina relation that explains how running the programs transforms any pre-execution state that satisfies the program preconditions into a post-execution state. (in a)