kevinsullivan / cs6501s23

Formal Mathematics for Software Design
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2.6.2. Commutativity - Typo #38

Open sm4sa opened 1 year ago

sm4sa commented 1 year ago

"The first two axioms that that the and and or operators (∧, ∨) are commutative." I believe the sentence should be "The first two axioms are that the and and or operators (∧, ∨) are commutative.". Not sure if this is the intended meaning.

sm4sa commented 1 year ago Variable Declarations - Typo "It’s common when specifying multiple of properties of a given object or collection of objects to introduce the same variables at the beginning of each definition. " I believe there is an extra "of" between "multiple" and "properties".

"It’s common when specifying multiple properties of a given object or collection of objects to introduce the same variables at the beginning of each definition. "