kevinsullivan / moralpain_dev

VSCode + Docker container development environment for moral distress project
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List from Vanessa and Beth #145

Open vka7q opened 1 year ago

vka7q commented 1 year ago


  1. Can we change the colors at all? Maybe a dark blue/orange for an ode to UVA?
  2. Can the "Sign In" button be bigger? And maybe read "Log In"
  3. Can there be a banner or a background or something maybe as an indicator people are in the right place? Something "Moral Distress Among Healthcare Providers" or something? I worry if people arrive at this page they will be unsure they're where they're supposed to be without having me (Vanessa) standing next to them saying, "Yes, that's right."

FIRST SCREEN: (Thermometer)

  1. The thermometer scale is a bit off-"distressing" is before "uncomfortable"-please see the attached thermometer for the correct scale.
  2. Numbers need to be flipped (so reading right-side up).
  3. Numbers need to be larger.
  4. The words associated with each set of numbers (distressed/uncomfortable/etc.) need to be closer to the numbers, bigger-they're kind of to the left hand/left center of the screen and a user might not see them while scrolling.
  5. There needs to be a definition of Moral Distress at the top-and preferably centered: "Moral distress (or MoD) occurs when you believe you know the correct thing to do, but something or someone restricts your ability to pursue the right course of action."
  6. Following that definition, a new sentence, separated "Please scroll up or down to indicate your level of MoD at this moment."


  1. More instructions, left aligned, bolded, and big: "Common causes of MoD are provided in drop-down lists below and are separated into patient-level, unit-level, and system-level causes. Please indicate the cause(s) behind the score your rated on the previous screen. Select all that apply and then select the arrow at the bottom right."
  2. A ^, but flipped upside down, to place centered, underneath the "Patient" "Team" "System" to further indicate/instruct these are drop down menus. I see it way off to the right, but I don't think people will look there-maybe shrink the buttons?
  3. Change "Patient" to "Patient-Level," "Team" to "Team-Level" and "System" to "System-Level" for alignment to instructions.
  4. "Other" should be kept, but should still remain without a type-in feature.
  5. Is there any way to add color to these drop down menu buttons? To make them seem more like buttons they need to click?
  6. If a person rates =/>6, they should be forced to pick something.
  7. I also think they should be able to toggle back to the thermometer and change their answer. And readvance, but be able to save the selections they previously made on the "cause(s)" screen.

THIRD SCREEN: (Final Screen)

  1. The "Thank you for submitting, you MoD score and associated cause(s) have been recorded" should be a central, big banner on this screen, rather than just a brief flash at the bottom left.
  2. In addition to the supplied resources, we should include something along the lines of: "There are many steps you can take from this point. You may want to talk to a colleague, your unit educator or unit leaders, or reach out to a moral distress intervention service or your institution's ethics service. We encourage you to take the steps you need. Below you will find several "In-the-moment" resources, which, although they might not address your MoD directly, might give you space to move forward in the next few minutes. Thank you and we wish you well."