kevinsullivan / moralpain_dev

VSCode + Docker container development environment for moral distress project
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feedback from Vanessa 7/29/2023 #146

Open vka7q opened 1 year ago

vka7q commented 1 year ago

First Screen: Change the definition to read: “Moral Distress (MoD) occurs when you feel you know the correct action to take, but something or someone keeps you from taking that action. Please slide up or down on the thermometer pictured here to select the number that best describes your MoD right now.”

Second Screen: Change the first banner to read: “Select the Causes Behind Your MoD Score”

Change the paragraph description to read: “Common sources of MoD are provided in drop-down lists below. They are separated into patient-level, team-level, and system-level sources. Please select all that apply and then press ‘Submit.’”

Have the buttons containing all the levels (patient/team/system) closed rather than expanded out on arrival to this screen.

Final Screen:

Center the Thank You and the message beneath.

Change the paragraph to read:

There are many steps you can take from this point. You may want to talk to a colleague, your unit educator or other unit leaders, or reach out to your institution’s moral distress or ethics consult services. You can also select from the “in-the-moment” resources at the bottom of this screen. We encourage you to take the steps you need.

Change the “In-the-Moment Resources” to read: Although these resources may not change your MoD scores, they may help you right now.

Change the “All Done” Button to read “Finished?” Center the “Finished?” Button and have it in between the “There are many steps” and the “In-the-Moment” suggestions. Possibly consider sizing, so it’s more blatant.