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Best practices on linking and file management #4

Open tommygebru opened 5 years ago

tommygebru commented 5 years ago

Very cool use of local file paths for your local project assets for easy access and offline use, for further reading here are two excellent resources on dealing with files and linking to file paths πŸ˜„

This also goes for your background-images in the css document instead of relying on separate web URL links coming from different servers πŸ‘

tommygebru commented 5 years ago

Also as you begin to use local file paths, make sure to become familiar with relative vs absolute file paths Relative file paths, will secure the project assets and make them viewable anywhere πŸ‘

Absolute file paths, will require that a specific domain name or url to access and view the documents

You can review these concepts further here

kevint259 commented 5 years ago

The first link that you provided me doesn't work! :(

tommygebru commented 5 years ago

Hey Kevin, strangely the link does sometimes pull up an error, try instead to Google search "mdn and also Dealing with files"