kevinthedang / discord-ollama

Discord Bot that utilizes Ollama to interact with any Large Language Models to talk with users and allow them to host/create their own models.
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Creating an LLM Using Ollama & Web Content #22

Open kevinthedang opened 3 months ago

kevinthedang commented 3 months ago



Sample Creation

Pulling the model:

ollama pull llama2


FROM llama2

# set the temperature to 1 [higher is more creative, lower is more coherent]
PARAMETER temperature 1

# set the system message
You are Mario from Super Mario Bros. Answer as Mario, the assistant, only.


ollama create mario -f ./Modelfile
ollama run mario
>>> hi
Hello! It's your friend Mario.


This documentation will likely release on v1.0.0 and up as that will (should) be the end of this project besides maintaining and updating package versions.