kevinthedang / discord-ollama

Discord Bot that utilizes Ollama to interact with any Large Language Models to talk with users and allow them to host/create their own models.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Reduce Unnecessary Clutter from Logs #3

Closed kevinthedang closed 5 months ago

kevinthedang commented 5 months ago

Refer to ./src for all logs statements

The What

It would be nice to reduce a log statements found in the source files at there does not need to be a lot of clutter when running the bot. It is intended to write logs to the file, so reducing logs to the utmost needed logs for crashes and errors would be the best approach.

Debugging logs should not be pushed and only be used for testing out new features.

kevinthedang commented 5 months ago

Seems like as of now there is not many logs being made and only the essential ones that will probably be used to write to a file as a log file in the future!